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These will help your writing

Happy Thursday Reader,

Sometimes when I'm in the creative zone, my thoughts can flow faster than my fingers can type. In moments like these, I'm grateful for the Grammarly browser extension. It highlights grammar and spelling errors and recommends fixes.

In this edition of Three Things Thursday, I'm sharing three free resources to help with your spelling, writing, and grammar.

Grammarly- I can't count the number of times this tool has saved me from embarrassing grammar and spelling errors. I've been experimenting with the AI writing assistant too, which helps me clarify my messaging. If you're struggling to find just the right word for your content, this is a great resource for synonyms and antonyms. Another tool for synonyms and antonyms, plus some other fun features like rhymes and word forms.

Give these free tools a try, and let me know what you think!

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